About Metaguild

Metaguild is the pioneering and largest hardcore gaming collective. We invest in games to secure guild positions and facilitate our players' unparalleled success. At Metaguild, we take the best from traditional gaming and elevate speedrunning to the next level, focusing on games with open economies backed by blockchain technology.

Our Progress

We have been actively playing The Forge since Day 1, relentlessly pursuing Legendary and Epic AMPs. Our dedicated group of players manages assets 24/7, thoroughly understanding the game's scope, and maximizing asset potential. As a result of our efforts, we have achieved several top 50 finishes in daily leaderboards and helped our clients earn Legendary and Epic Amps.

Our Offer

We offer full-time management and gameplay services for Metaguild's clients. We have two distinct models to propose:

  1. The first model requires the owner to make a fixed payment for the entire season, and they retain 100% ownership of their AMPs exposure.
  2. The second model is free of charge. If you don't want to aim for Amps, we can sell votes from your HVs and split the profit.
  3. We also offer votes in case you are not interested in delegation. We provide voting services with bulk purchases starting from 50 votes.

Payments and percentage cuts are discussed individually with each owner, considering the uniqueness of each Forge and the strict deadline of the season's end. We ensure that we can help you obtain the most scarce AMPs based on your current progress.

If you have any questions or would like to discuss the details further, please let us know. We are here to assist you in achieving your goals.

First Season Report
