Welcome to this guide, it’s the shortest one I promise 😄.

  1. Go to the advanced audio settings


  1. Keep the audio track 1 enabled for all sources, the same goes for audio track 6 but make sure to disable audio track 6 for the “Music/Browser Audio” source where you gonna be playing Copyrighted Music.


Finally, go to Settings → Output → Streaming, Select 1 for “Audio Track” and Select 6 for “Twitch VOD Track”.


TIP: In case you can’t see the Audio Tracks, you can simply go to Settings → Output → Recording and enable the audio tracks by clicking on the numbers.


Make sure to take a look at these additional important guides

Scheduling Streams on Metaguild Google Calendar

Stream Announcement/Promotion Guide

Host/Raid Guide

Tips and Best Practices for Streamers