First of all, you need to drop the alchemica to one of the vortex’es located on the minimap,
as shown in the picture below.

Then, when are you able to locate the nearest vortex, upon approaching it closely you can
interact with it by pressing the “E” key on your keyboard. Press the “Withdraw Now” button
and wait for a couple of minutes. Click on a “piggy bank” when txn is confirmed and click claim.
So, we claimed our assets. But how do we swap them to GHST? Well, you need to find your
claim transaction in the Activities. Click on your latest transaction and click on an asset you want
to swap. Copy the contract address of the asset. Then go to the website, connect your wallet and click the button named “Choose token”. In the field “Search name or paste the address you copied previously and add the asset. Then choose GHST as the asset you want to swap on and type a number that you want to swap on it. Approve the asset, confirm the swap and you are pretty much good to go! GHST is tradable on the most popular exchanges.
More described video on how to do it you can find below:
swapping assets.mp4
Ok, we swapped our asset on the GHST token. I do want to trade it on USDC/USDT with the help of Binance. How can i do it? We will be giving you a simple instructions on how to do it below:
- Go to the website and choose GHST as the first asset and MATIC
as the second asset you will be swapping on GHST
- Insert a number of GHST you want to swap on MATIC, approve GHST, and swap it with MATIC
- Go to the Binance and in the category “Fiat and Spot” in the search bar, search for the MATIC
Token and click on a “Deposit” button.
- Select a MATIC/Polygon Network.
- Copy the address, open up Metamask and click on the “Send” option.
- Paste the address you have copied in the search bar and input how much MATIC you want to send.
- Confirm the transaction and wait until MATIC will be transferred.
- Trade the MATIC token on a USDC/USDT or anything you want.
If your transaction is slow and you have multiple transactions that don’t go through you can do two things on Metamask to speed up the process:
- If your transaction is slow and stagnant you can do this:
When you exchange your tokens on Quickswap you click on the swap button, after you pressed confirm swap, Metamask browser extension will appear, in order to quicken the process you will need to click on “Edit” to change the gas from “Medium” to “High” status, then click on “Save” after that press “Confirm”, this will ensure that your transaction will go faster and more secure.
You can also use this process when claiming in-game.
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- If you have single or multiple transactions that failed to complete, there is a small solution that you can do: Open Metamask browser extension> Go to your profile icon click on it> click Settings>Advanced> press Reset Account, done**. (Resetting your account will clear your transaction history. This will not change the balances in your accounts or require you to re-enter your Secret Recovery Phrase.)**