
Each axie has 4 stats: Health, Morale, Skill, and Speed.

An Axie’s stats are dependent on two variables: its class and its body parts.

Body Parts

Each Axie has 6 body parts: eyes, ears, horn, mouth, back, and tail. Horns, Mouths, Backs, and Tails determine which cards an Axie can use in battles. Eyes and ears do not determine cards, but add additional stats.

Base Stats

The base stats are determined by the Axie's (body) class. Each class has a sum of 140 base stat points.

Each body part adds stats depending on the class of the part:

Body Parts Additional Stats

Pure class (breed) means that axie has body and 6 parts of one class. Pure breed axie stats shown below.

The picture above shows details of Axie's body parts (1) and card class (2). Axie on the picture has 3 Reptile parts (Friezard, Toothless Bite, Scaly Spear), 1 Aqua (Clear), 1 Bird (Kingfisher) and 1 Plant (Yam). Axie has 2 Reptile, 1 Bird and 1 Plant Class cards.